The 8th chakra effect (and what’s really been happening these past 6 months). PART ONE

“I’m definitely not coming home the same woman.  Seriously, there’s nothing left!  I thought this quarter life crisis was well and truly over. Fuck! This is that double whammy Saturn Return my astrologer spoke of.  Ahhhhhh….this soul journey better be worth the ride coz I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” These were my parting words to my best friend before I boarded the plane to America. I literally felt like I boarded that plane with…
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The power and freedom of staying in your own business.

Have you ever found yourself tripping up in other people’s business? And by “someone else’s business” I mean, have you ever had thoughts like: “She shouldn’t treat her friends like that.” “He should be there for the kids more.” “She needs to stop lying to everyone and hiding behind her bullshit excuses and just tell the truth!” “He should just stand up to her.” “She shouldn’t be getting married so soon.” “She should be there for me! I’m always there…
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Did you miss out on Wednesday night? Here is the audio recording.

On Wednesday night I joined forces with Belinda Davidson and answered your questions.  Unfortunately, we spent the first 30 minutes talking to each other because I forgot to take everyone off hold!  So if you were one of the people listening to the beautiful waiting music, my sincerest apologies. The good news is that I was still able to record the FULL HOUR so you haven’t missed out on anything. Here are some of the topics we covered thanks to…
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{HOT WOMAN TO WATCH} Chanelle Sinclair…a story teller who captures the light, the dark and everything inbetween.

HOT WOMEN TO WATCH is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one powerful and soulful woman whose work I’m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning. chanelle She is mysterious, yet open. She is gentle, yet strong. She is sweet, yet fierce. Her big brown, green and gold eyes will captivate you.  Her sweet beautiful voice will seduce you.  And all those tattoos will intrigue you.  When she’s not busy spending her…
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Calling all modern mystics. Join us this Wednesday March 5. 8:30pm QLD.

What happens when a Medical Intuitive, Ghost Activist and White Light Advocate helping people discover their soul purpose meets with a Deep Coach, Embodiment Teacher and Sexual Muse helping people lead with soul in life, love and work? A whole lot of magic. A whole lot of love. A whole lot of truth. A whole new level of awareness. Belinda & Susana This Wednesday evening I’m joining forces with Belinda Davidson (School of the Modern Mystic Founder) in a 1hr LIVE D&M Conversation.  …
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