intimate with myself: the power of light.

Screen Shot 2014-02-28 at 12.58.26 PM Photo credit: Bee Bosnak “Now…take a step forward”, she said. I heard her loud and clear, but I didn’t move. I needed a moment to ground, to feel my feet connected to the earth beneath me. I needed a moment to quiet the voices, the voices that were telling me I was taking too long. But the deeper I came into contact with my body, the more I noticed my body shrink back. My shoulders rolled forward. My chest collapsed.…
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{HOT WOMAN TO WATCH} Erin Kyna: a spiritual life coach with magic healing hands.

{HOT WOMEN TO WATCH is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one powerful and soulful woman whose work I’m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning.} erinkyna In her past life she was a flight attendant travelling the world. Now, she’s a life coach, a reiki therapist and a meditation teacher helping people starting out on their spiritual journey. This month’s HOT WOMAN TO WATCH is Erin Kyna, a fellow Aussie beauty…
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The courage to risk it all. Four women remind me how.

How one woman leads with soul is very different to how another woman leads with soul. It’s personal. Very personal. But there is one dominant theme. They all embody courage. The courage to risk it all. The courage to take a stand. The courage to tell the truth. The courage to bare it all. The courage to get out of their own way, their own fears, their own insecurities. The courage to trust their heart, their intuition, their soul. Here…
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total freedom equals total responsibility.

Today’s post is in honour of celebrating  The Freedom Project by the beautiful Claire Obeid.  She’s asked me a few questions on what freedom looks like for me.   When you think about freedom what does it mean to you? Total freedom means total responsibility.  Total responsibility for how I feel, what I think, what I do and how I do it.  It’s the power to think or act without any restraint, be it from external or internal forces. How…
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Lead with Soul. Always.

There’s a new wave of women rising. They’re young, dynamic, fresh, spirited, ambitious, creative, courageous, soulful and wise…and they’re hungry for freedom. The kind of freedom that allows them to choose how they live their life, how they make a living and how they make a difference. They’re not here to follow someone else’s footsteps or the latest 12 steps to success. They’re not here to live someone else’s dream or idea of happiness. And they’re definitely not here to…
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