Introducing the LOVE SEX DESIRE Podcast Series.

Finally! Only one week to go before the first episode of the LOVE SEX DESIRE Podcast Series is here. In this video below I share with you: what this Podcast Series is all about how this idea came to me, and how you can get involved. Click play to listen.
  Because these episodes are all pre-recorded (vs being LIVE), you are able to submit your questions beforehand. Ā Go HEREĀ to submit yours. Until Friday 4th July, Big love susana-signature
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Behind the scenes of my new online home.

When LOVE SEX DESIRE came to me this February, it came in the form of a podcast series. Ā This podcast series wanted a pretty promo image with my face on it. This called for some new photos. Once the photos happened I realised the podcast series also wanted a new home to live in. This called for a website redesign. I had been wanting to revamp my website for the past 18months but every time I tried to “think” about…
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Introducing all things LOVE SEX DESIRE, including me! (plus new events announced!)

Welcome to my new online temple! Today is the day I birth things all LOVE SEX DESIRE and I’m super excited to welcome you inside, to show you around and let you know what else is yet to comeā€¦because this is just the beginning!! Click play below to watch the video to hear all about it.
To recap what I mention in the video, here’s a guide on where to start: Check out the SHOP + EVENTS page to find…
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Susana Frioni WANT TO GET IN TOUCH? For any questions, comments, feedback, requests or love notes please email me directly susana (at) susanafrioni (dot) comĀ I read every email and do my best to respond within 48hrs between Monday and Friday. However, if you don’t hear from me, don’t be afraid to contact me again {I appreciate follow-ups very much}. WANT TO SUBMIT A QUESTION FOR THE PODCAST? HaveĀ a burning question youā€™d love for me to answer in an upcoming episode…
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