Intimate with myself: desire.

{Introducing a new segment called “Intimate with myself”. Here I will share reflections of my inner experience…the conversations, the sensations, the emotions and the powerful insights.  It doesn’t get more intimate than that.} My inner critic is going nuts. The voices in my head are telling me all the reasons why I should stop thinking about her. And more importantly, why I should stop feeling this way about her. But my body is telling me otherwise. I want her. And…
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56 Day Body Rock Challenge. Amber Krzys & I talk weight loss, body image, self-love and freedom.

My idea of rockin’ my best body use to look like a training/diet journal, counting + recording my calorie intake, allowing myself cheat meals, taking my body measurements weekly, weighing myself every other day and training twice a day getting my harder-faster-heavier fix (my soundtrack was literally FASTER HARDER SCOOTER). Why? Because all of this meant I was serious about losing my post baby excess weight as soon as possible.  All of this meant I was committed to getting…
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soul medicine: five doses of wisdom to remind you what true fulfillment is all about.

Have you ever found yourself slipping back into chasing things ‘out there’? Have you ever found yourself getting frustrated/disappointed/exhausted for not getting ‘there’ fast enough? Have you ever found yourself questioning why you don’t ever seem to be making it ‘there’? Have you ever arrived ‘there’ and it wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies like you expected it to be? If so, then it’s time for some soul medicine. Take a couple of big breaths. Minimise the distractions. Center yourself. Then…
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i’m loving retreat photos, spirited, money memoirs, body lovin’ and more.

  1. The Wellness Warrior Spring Clean Out Retreat photo recap. Leaving_group1 Green_juice1  Rice1 Yoga1 Team1 This is just a sneak peek into the weekend away with my babe Jess Aincough + her Wellness Warrior tribe.  This retreat was packed with heaps of fun, lots of movement, yoga, meditation, great good + beautiful company.  To see the rest of the photos from this amazing retreat head over to here. 2. Spirited by Tara Bliss + Rachel MacDonald spirited girls Impeccable design. Profound teachings. Gorgeously written. Infused…
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my group immersions: true desires and real priorities.

“I knew the one day immersion would be transformational, but I’m blown away by the impact it’s had on my life already.”  Emma Shields from the Earth HQ Team “My business has been blossoming since that one sacred day! ”  Natasha Tay from “It’s already paying dividends with the work I’ve done in the past 24 hours since completing the Immersion day!” Jana from “Anyone ready to dive deep into their potential needs to attend one of Susana’s…
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