Brisbane, lets DANCE!! Tickets on sale now!

Love Sex Desire Embodied poster v3.2 CLICK HERE   Last time, it was a Radical Self Love Sacred Dance Party. This time, it’s LOVE SEX DESIRE Embodied, a sacred dance party to ignite your soul! We’re going deeper and darker. We’re going higher and brighter. There will beĀ moreĀ FUN. There will beĀ moreĀ MUSIC. There will beĀ moreĀ UNLEASHING. It will be soulful and sacred. It will be sexy and wild. It will be empowering and life-changing. It will take you back to your party days where…
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{HOT WOMAN TO WATCH} Brieann Boal: Wabi-Sabi Queen and relationship counsellor of body, mind and soul.

HOT WOMEN TO WATCH is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one powerful and soulful woman whose work Iā€™m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning. 293816_10151075640301286_161764809_n copy 2 Move over bikini bootcamps and constant striving for body perfection. Ā It’s time you all indulged in some Wabi-SabiĀ lovin’. A fusion of movement, meditation and massage that will have you in a steady state of loving where you are and how your clothes hang.. AĀ …
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Brisbane, lets dance! Save this date.

Screen Shot 2014-04-02 at 12.12.20 AM   FRIDAY NIGHT / MAY 9th. Save the date. And tell your friends. Details coming soon!   What they’ve been saying: Your guided dance reminded me of my goddess like tendency to dance which I have completely neglected for far too long. It’s time to dance more.Ā 
When are you starting classes? We’ll be your most devoted students. That was wild!
I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the guided sacred dance. It was amazing. I really…
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The 8th chakra effect (and what’s really been happening these past six months). PART TWO

If you missed part one, go hereĀ now and read it first. Ā Otherwise, let the journey continue… January 2014 Itā€™s 2014. The year is fresh. The slate is clean. The canvas is crisp white. Iā€™m ready to make some sexy art I call life. Ā I spend a full day mapping out 2014. I declare my word for the year and my core desire feelings. I call in the Goddesses to be on my cosmic support team. Ā Itā€™s time to get…
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The 8th chakra effect (and what’s really been happening these past 6 months). PART ONE

ā€œIā€™m definitely not coming home the same woman. Ā Seriously, there’s nothing left! Ā I thought this quarter life crisis was well and truly over. Fuck! This is that double whammy Saturn Return my astrologer spoke of. Ā Ahhhhhhā€¦.this soul journey better be worth the ride coz IĀ don’t know how much more of this I can take.ā€ These were my parting words to my best friend before I boarded the plane to America. I literally felt like I boarded that plane with…
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