Selfish for 27 days sneak peek! conversations with Medical Intuitive, Belinda Davidson

In the past few weeks I have personally been upping my own embodiment of “Selfish” by delving deeper into the realm of energy.  This can be a very esoteric concept for some…but for me, it’s very much the real thing. Helping me on this journey is Medical Intuitive, Belinda Davidson. For as long as Belinda can remember, she has been able to know ‘everything about a person’ by reading their energy field.  But it wasn’t until her early twenties…
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the one mantra, practice, reminder and quote that guides everything I do

Breathe and all is revealed.  Love and all is healed. This is the mantra that takes me deeper into my existence and higher into my Being. This is the one liner that brings me back home to my heart, my soul, and my Self. This is the story of my life. This is also my self care ritual. This is the very reason yoga has changed my life. This is the one practice that has me plugged into the most…
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renovating and retreating: the aftermath of Saturn Return

For the past 3 years I have been embarking on what I like to call “Personal Identity Bootcamp” all thanks to my Saturn Return. My relationships, my sexuality, my career, my beliefs, my values have all had a massive makeover.  Its been challenging, confusing and confronting.  Its also been liberating, refreshing and rewarding.  Sometimes it felt like a battlefield.  Other times it felt like cloud number nine.  Either way, it feels 1000 times better than where I was 3 years…
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mid week mantra

A red rose is not selfish because it wants to be a red rose.  It would be horribly selfish if it wanted all the other flowers in the garden to be both red and roses. ~ Oscar Wilde +++ SELFISH FOR 27 DAYS starts on Monday 22nd October.  Click here to get all the info and join a tribe of women who are shamelessly putting their health and happiness first.    …
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