{Hot Women to Watch} Jeanette LeBlanc: the lady who has a love affair with words.

{Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one beautiful soul whose work I’m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning}  Screen Shot 2013-08-16 at 9.30.18 AM
She has a love affair with words (all of them, especially the bad ones). Rebelle Society features her work regularly.  Her personal story has been published in the book Dear John, I love Jane. And lately, she’s been busy collaborating with famous TED talkers, award winning
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Deep Living through the Enneagram with Roxanne Howe-Murphy (PLUS a book giveaway)

Roxanne Howe-Murphy is one of those extraordinary divine women whose feet I could sit at and just drink in her wisdom and her teachings. She is my teacher, my mentor and the very reason I recently travelled to New Mexico for my Deep Coaching Certification.  For the past three years her work and her presence has had a significant  impact on my life personally and professionally…just like it is for the hundreds and thousands of people around the world. Some…
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reflections and celebrations: an ongoing ritual.

TDOY_bloglovintour_banner This blog post is in support of a new book by Michelle Ward and Jessica Swift called The Declaration of You. It’ll be published by North Light Craft Books in Summer 2013 and gives readers “all the permission they’ve craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique, and uncover what they are meant to do.” I’m thrilled to be participating in the tour alongside a host of other creative bloggers, and you can…
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Hot Women to Watch: Megan Koufos…family soul mentor and intuitive child whisperer.

{Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one beautiful soul whose work I’m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning.}  new profile photo For the past couple of months, I’ve been eager to connect with women who are doing amazing things in the world AND juggling mamahood.  This is when I met Megan Koufos, an Intuitive Child Whisperer, Family Soul Mentor and  Modern Psychic Medium. Spending time with Megan is…
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Behind the scenes: Planning a business retreat with your soul sistas.

{How it all began} Back in January 2012, I was sitting at the local coffee shop with my “new” soulpreneur sistas (Jessica Ainscough and Nicola Chatham) mapping out the next 12 months of our business for the very first time of our lives. The first thing we scheduled was a 6 month checkin, and instead of it being like our usual monthly meet ups (we had only had 2 of them at this stage), we decided to ‘spoil ourselves’ and…
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