up close and personal:18 things you really don’t need to know about me (but I’m telling you anyway)

I usually write love lists, reflections or thought provoking pieces.  But today, I thought I’d give you the opportunity to know me a little more intimately by sharing things very few people know. 1 // I’m a full blooded latina.  Whilst my bilingual skills will have you thinking otherwise, I definitely have the booty to prove it. 2 // I’ve never travelled overseas.  I don’t even own a passport.  I do however have a trip planned to New Mexico in…
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the wellness warrior lifestyle transformational guide with jessica ainscough + Selfish for 27 days giveaway.

If you’ve been hanging out in my orbit for a while then you’d know that Jessica Ainscough (aka the Wellness Warrior) is my go-to-wellness girl.  Because of her, my can’t-live-without kitchen appliances now include the juicer (perfect for my morning juices), the blender (perfect for my smoothies and my Wellness Warrior approved sweets) and the spirooli (perfect for salad fun!). She’s the woman in my life who is constantly inspiring me to up the ante on how I take care…
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