upcoming event: A night of Stillness with tara bliss & yours truly on Sunday 30 September in Brisbane.

With big hearts and big smiles,  Tara Bliss  & I are coming together to host A NIGHT OF STILLNESS.  Click the video below to find out more… So here’s the deal. You’re a go getting, busy-to-the-brim woman juggling it all. Life’s hectic; chaotic, fast-paced. Now imagine: – Sacred space for you to expand spiritually, both personally and as part of a sisterhood. – Amplifying your manifestations to epic proportions. – Clarity, re-callibration and laser focus that can only come from…
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this winter was all about big opportunities, much needed boundaries + so many blessings.

This winter started on a high. For the first time ever (and definitely not the last time), me + my my power posse headed into the mountains in my first ever brand new spanking car for a 3 day retreat filled with meditation, organic food, laughter + business strategies.  It was bliss. However, the rest of winter was super challenging.  July felt like a write-off as me + my family got wiped off our feet with a virus and then…
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