mid week mantra.

When you can accept all the contradictions that life offers, when you can comfortably flow between the banks of pleasure and pain, experiencing both while getting stuck in neither, you have achieved freedom. ~ Deepak Chopra        …
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three hot women to watch: Denise Duffield-Thomas, Abby Kerr & Bee Bosnak.

Hot Women To Watch is a new segment here at Deliriously Deep where  I’ll be spotlighting some incredible women either from my community,  my inner circle or from my talent scoping adventures who I feel are on the verge of really BIG things.  Here is the very first installment! +++ Denise Duffield-Thomas – Author, Coach & Lucky Bitch. Rooted in integrity and free from any hype, Denise is one powerhouse of tough love, intuitive guidance, manifesting mojo and genuine compassion…
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