a celebration of self-love & motherhood. (Plus, EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ends tonight!).

Screen Shot 2013-04-25 at 11.37.56 PM I have just finished listening to the beautiful audio of the Self-Love and Sisterhood tour created by Earth Events. Had I not been travelling in New Mexico I would have been there with bells on to hear of these amazing women spread the message of self-love and sisterhood. I adore all of these women.  Every one of their stories on how “self love” changed the course of their life is inspiring and empowering.  Collectively, they’ve overcome cancer, dissolved party-girl identities…
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i’m loving all things beginning with ‘S’.

My current love list is a mixed bag of events I’m so excited to be leading or participating in, political speeches that have made me laugh, a sacred scent that is just for me and a song that is stuck on replay. 1. Stillness + Sisterhood. 71478_570254346330272_1554315645_n This Sunday marks another night of Stillness with myself & Tara Bliss.  I’ve been trying to find the right words to describe just how powerful this night is but nothing does it justice.  It’s…
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Hot Women to Watch: Belinda Davidson, medical intuitive and white light goddess.

BelindaDavidson21 {Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature putting the spotlight on one beautiful soul who’s work I’m appreciating and cheering for}  This month, it’s all about Belinda Davidson, an Australian Medical Intuitive, creator of School of the Modern Mystic & advocate of the White Light which aids physical healing, energy renewal, unlocking creative potential & intuitive abilities. (You may recall the sneak peek of our video interview I did with Belinda for Selfish for 27 days back in September…
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part 2: my holiday in Santa Fe & Los Angeles, day by day.

If you missed yesterday’s post, check it out here.  Part 1: my retreat in Taos, New Mexico. Today, I’m sharing with you day by day how my trip unfolded including some of my favourite highlights.   Day 1: NEW MEXICO HERE I COME. My flight was scheduled for 10am Friday 1st March. It was a surreal morning. My daughter wasn’t happy with me going away.  She woke up moody, rude, grumpy…and then finally, the tears came and her “wish” that…
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part 1: My retreat in Taos, New Mexico + a soulful giveaway!

Two weeks ago I jumped on a plane and set off for my very first International trip devoted to both work and play. New Mexico was the destination. Completing my Deep Coaching certification was the motivation. And seeing the Enneagram come to life was my intention. Coincidently (or not so coincidently) it was ALSO the three year milestone since attending the very first retreat that changed everything for me.  From marriage, to parenting, to divorce, to infidelity, to same-sex love,…
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