a circle, a triangle, an irregular 6 pointed star and 9 numbers: What is the Enneagram? (part two)

What is the Enneagram?  Like I said last week, the Enneagram is a system for profound awareness and awakening. But here’s what I didn’t say. Through the Enneagram, we learn that there are nine major spheres of consciousness, or archetypes, or dimensions, or ways of being, that exist in the world.  In other words, there are nine dramatically different orientations to life (or different lenses) and each of us specialises in one of these spheres of consciousness.  This is what
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A circle, a triangle,an irregular 6 pointed star and 9 numbers: discovering the Enneagram (part one).

Enneagram I discovered the Enneagram some five years ago when I was working in a small local gym.  It was presented mostly as a tool for motivating employers and maximising their strengths as individuals and as a team.  And therefore, that’s all it ever was for me.  Plus, I was at a phase of my life where I was more interested in having fun than I was in deeply understanding myself. But within 2 years, all of that changed when I…
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Hot Women to Watch: Yvette Luciano…from breast cancer to Earth Events.

Yvette Luciano Earth Events {Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature putting the spotlight on one beautiful woman who’s work I’m admiring and cheering for}  This month, it’s all about the vibrant go-getter, Yvette Luciano. I met Yvette some twelve months ago when she joined Marie Forleo’s BSchool program for the first time (seriously, nothing but amazing women on a mission to serve congregate in this program!).  Back then she was a health coach dedicated to helping others enhance their wellbeing – a
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I swore I would never fall in love with a woman…but I did (and still am).

Rewind eight years ago.  I am twenty years old. My soon-to-be-husband asked me if I needed time to explore my sexuality. It was one of the most ridiculous questions I had ever heard.  Sure, I found women attractive and a lot of fun to drunk-kiss on the dancefloor.  But to have an ‘actual’ relationship…to raise kids with another woman…to be a lesbian…no freakin’ way.  Not possible. That was the end of that conversation. Fast forward one year.  I am twenty-one…
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3 video clips that evoked 3 qualities: compassion, acceptance and forgiveness.

May they do the same for you. {Warning: it is very possible that one or all three of these clips will trigger some tears.  Let yourself be moved.} COMPASSION //   ACCEPTANCE //   FORGIVENESS // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What moved you this past week?  What cracked you open?  What broke your heart? What had you love even deeper and wider? Tell me in the comments below. Big Love Susana XO…
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