an ode to my teachers in honour of Guru Day.

Thankyou… For showing up when I needed you most (even if I didn’t know it at the time). Thankyou… For holding up the mirror where I needed it most (especially when i refused to own what I saw). Thankyou… For showing me my bright light (even though it felt so far away). Thankyou… For showing me my darkest shadows (the ones I denied, the ones I ignored + the ones I didn’t even know existed). Thankyou… For listening to the…
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the three month look back: reflections, celebrations & revelations.

Since the beginning of this year I have intentionally been pausing every two weeks to reflect on where I have been, where I am now and where I am going.  The pause is brief but it allows me to celebrate the small details (which ultimate becomes the big vision). Then every 3 months, I take a longer pause and reflect even deeper + celebrate even bigger.  Taking the time to pause is what keeps me facing forward connected to my…
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