the woo woo reason I chose to explore yoga. (part one)

Rewind two and half years ago. I was anti-yoga.  In a big (judgemental) way. I was one of those people who was proud to say that yoga just wasn’t my thing.  I just wasn’t craving to feel calm + relaxed.  Instead, I was craving to feel excited + fit.  Which is why I loved working out to loud music, heart rate pumping + sweat drippin’ like crazy. But that was two and half years ago.  A lot has changed. Yoga…
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i’m loving miracles, astrology, manifesto’s + sexy tunes

When you’re craving some love the best thing you can do is create a love list.  Notice the love that’s already in your life and feel it flow right in even more. This month I’m lovin… 1. part one + part two of this interview my friend Jess Ainscough did with Anita Moorjani, the author of Dying to be me: My Journey from Cancer.  Listen to Anita share her story of battling lymphoma cancer for four years (we’re talking body…
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mid week mantra

Surround yourself with people who believe you have what it takes to make it happen.     +++ PS.  Only 3 days left to join Rich, Happy + Hot B-School!!  If you want to claim the additional bonuses from yours truly be sure you check out this post + follow the instructions.…
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