the three month look back: reflections, celebrations + revelations

If you have not taken the time to press pause and reflect on the first three months of the year just yet, be sure you do.  And be as detailed + thorough as possible.   Do not rush the reflections or skim over the details.  It all matters. And who knows, you may discover that you’ve accomplished more than you’re acknowledging or that you’re biggest mistakes and heartbreaks were your most profound lessons.  You may discover that you’re hardest challenges were…
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i’m loving: creative wizards, brand voice readings, skulls + earth hour

  1.  Selfish for 27 days has been in the creative bonfire for the past 3 months.  It’s been stripped back, analysed, injected with freshness and recreated for a deeper + richer experience.  The first to be revealed is its new look crafted by Sian Richardson: a free-spirited creative wizard.  To catch the next revelation head over to the website and get on the list.  It’ll be happening next week via video! 2. I love having a reading…a…
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the law of impermanence: it’s a bitch and a blessing.

Sooner or later in life, the things you love you lose ~ Florence + The Machine, You’ve Got The Love. Impermanence is a universal law, a fact of life.  Everything comes and everything goes.  There’s a beginning and there’s an end. There is birth and there is death. It all arises and it all passes away. But knowing this fact of life does not make us immune to the internal emotional response that happens when we lose the people (or
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