multi-tasking is not presence.

You’re on the phone talking to a friend or a client but you’re also busy checking your inbox. You’re talking to your kid but your eyes stayed glued to the computer screen. You send text messages while you drive. You catch up with an old friend for coffee and your gaze constantly shifts to every new person walking through the entrance. You go a networking event to hear a special guest speaker and your tweeting away your ah ha’s. You
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i’m loving all things woman, little princess swaggers and kony 2012.

When you’re craving inspiration or want to amp up your appreciation, a love list is just the thing to do. +++ 1.  I love women.  In more ways than one.  But I particularly love women entrepreneurs.  So when my friend + wellness guru Jessica Ainscough put together her ideal dinner party invite list, all in the name of International Women’s Day, I immediately RSVP’d with a big fat HELL YES!  To check out the incredible women who made the invite,…
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this summer was all about beginnings…the pain + the joy.

My transition into 2012 was abrupt, chaotic and stressful. Plans fell apart. Circumstances changed. But the desire to feel connected + free remained the same. summer lesson – When you are deeply connected to how you want to feel, know that the form of these feelings are ever evolving. Things, people, opportunities, stuff…it all comes and it all goes. And when it does, the intensity of your grief + your rage is in direct proportion to your attachment. So learn…
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soul mates + spiritual masters…have you met them yet?

Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Eat Pray Love was gifted to me from a friend just 3 months before I sat my very first Vipassana + life as I knew it totally transformed.  Coincidence?  Not at all.  Life was throwing me several signals to make some changes and Eat Pray Love was just one of those signals. It’s been two years since then and thanks to it is with impeccable timing that I am reminded of this quote from the…
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