intuition, choices, betrayal & grace with caroline myss + oprah winfrey

Every choice we make is going to enhance the spirit or drain the spirit. Ā There is no inbetween. ~ Caroline Myss When I enrolled in my Yoga Teacher Training in September 2010 we were given a recommended reading list. Ā On it was a book called Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss. Ā This was the very first time I had ever heard of this book (and also of Caroline Myss). However it would be another 18months before IĀ delvedĀ …
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learn to grow your own organic food with Nicola Chatham

If you don’t already have your own veggie patch out the back full of thriving organic food then it’s time you check out my very good friend, Nicola Chatham’s Abundant Veggie Patch System! What is the Abundant Veggie Patch System? The Abundant Veggie Patch System is an online organic garĀ­denĀ­ing course packed with pracĀ­tiĀ­cal videos, audios, checkĀ­lists and resources that will help you design, creĀ­ate and upkeep your own vegĀ­gie patch so you can enjoy an abunĀ­dance of fresh,…
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