darkness before dawn: the rise of twenty-twelve

The slate for twenty-twelve is whiter + lighter than I ever imagined and the opportunities for expansion are signed, sealed + in transit.  Deep down in my bones I know that this year will be filled with more LOVING-KINDNESS, more COMPASSION, and more JOY than I’ve ever experienced before. But not without some challenges. Transitions are usually painful experiences.  Emotions are intensified + logic loses it’s way. In moments like these it’s easy to shut down, close off, put the…
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assorted tips inspired by seth godin

Seth Godin just wrote a blog post listing his random + assorted tips.  Here are mine:
Check your tyre treads often and drive slowly in the rain. Go to a 10 day silent retreat at least once in your lifetime. Dance in the rain every opportunity you get.  It will make you happy in an instant. Truth is the only thing that stands between broken hearts and wholeness.  Always tell the truth. Relaaaax. Kids are messy.  Accepting this fact will…
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illumination: turn your back + go seek your own

Illumination ~ Janice Becker Haynes You who hold tenderly the journey the breath of life breath You who hold passion and joy the fire of life burn You who hold hands with a little child learn to follow that child explore You who wander with no purpose enjoy firefly moments hike to clear waterfalls until your inner knowing forms a path for your feet You who teach, wise ones, so full of life having lived well willing to guide remember
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I’m loving: sacred lyrics + savvy book plans. stretchy lycra + sweet healing recipes

  Florence + the Machine: Ceremonials.  When it comes to music I have many loves and Florence is one of them!  My girl crush with Florence kicked in the same time I fell in love with my girlfriend.   Every time I hear “You’ve got the Love” I’m teleported back to my living room two years ago where we were singing at the top of our lungs dancing half naked.  I was high on LOVE.  And I’m high on LOVE again…
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this Spring was all about the selfish ones + making self care THE priority.

Many things blossomed this spring: ideas, projects, communities, partnerships, support groups, relationships and much more.  Here’s what you missed – in no particular order! Events :: It was my very first (and definitely not my last) online community event: SELFish for 27 days – the self care edition.  79 ladies + 1 gent declared they were putting themselves first in true yoga style.  Community + inspiration were flying high thanks to a Wellness Warrior, a Truth-Telling Lawyer, Australia’s first…
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