when comparisons matter: how to look back + see if things have REALLY changed.

Have you ever made a lot of changes in your life in the hope of being happier + healthier? But a couple of years go by and even though you’ve tried a lot of new things + met a lot of new people you somehow end up right back where you started from? For example… You decide to let go of all the toxic people in your life in the hope of surrounding yourself with more positive + inspiring people…and…
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everyone’s talking about it…but are they REALLY doing it?

Three months into the year and many of us have already arrived at that place.  That place where we’re feeling overworked + overwhelmed.  That place where we’re feeling exhausted, jaded and confused.  That place where we start to second guess ourselves and wonder if all this effort + energy is really worth it. So we declare we need a break…more time for ‘me’…and for a moment, we remember how important it is to make taking care of ourselves the number…
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the three month look back: reflections, celebrations + revelations

If you have not taken the time to press pause and reflect on the first three months of the year just yet, be sure you do.  And be as detailed + thorough as possible.   Do not rush the reflections or skim over the details.  It all matters. And who knows, you may discover that you’ve accomplished more than you’re acknowledging or that you’re biggest mistakes and heartbreaks were your most profound lessons.  You may discover that you’re hardest challenges were…
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