i’m loving all things woman, little princess swaggers and kony 2012.

When you’re craving inspiration or want to amp up your appreciation, a love list is just the thing to do. +++ 1. Ā I love women. Ā In more ways than one. Ā But I particularly love women entrepreneurs. Ā SoĀ when my friend + wellness guru Jessica Ainscough put together her ideal dinner party invite list, all in the name of International Women’s Day, I immediately RSVP’d with a big fat HELL YES! Ā To check out the incredible women who made the invite,…
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this summer was all about beginnings…the pain + the joy.

My transition into 2012 was abrupt, chaotic and stressful. Plans fell apart. Circumstances changed. But the desire to feel connected + free remained the same. summer lesson ā€“ When you are deeply connected to how you want to feel, know that the form of these feelings are ever evolving. Things, people, opportunities, stuffā€¦it all comes and it all goes. And when it does, the intensity of your grief + your rage is in direct proportion to your attachment. So learn…
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soul mates + spiritual masters…have you met them yet?

Elizabeth Gilbertā€™s bookĀ Eat Pray LoveĀ was gifted to me from a friend just 3 months beforeĀ I sat my very first Vipassana + life as I knew it totally transformed. Ā Coincidence? Ā Not at all. Ā Life was throwing me several signals to make some changes andĀ Eat Pray LoveĀ was just one of those signals. Itā€™s been two years since then and thanks toĀ MindBodyGreen.comĀ it is with impeccable timing that I am reminded of this quote from the…
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i’m loving all things fresh, real + raw.

I’m kicking this week off with a list of things I’m currently loving. Ā It’s been a big summer + I’ve craving a whole lot of LOVE. Ā So here it is… 1. My new abode. Ā There is something so refreshing about moving into a new space. Ā In this case, part of the ‘freshness’ comes from undergoing a massive energetic cleanse. 2. My tears. The joy + the heartache of transitions. 3. Ā This video makes me want to grow my own food
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