this winter was all about expansion: learning + launching.

Winter is usually the time to hibernate + rest in preparation for the newness that Spring brings.  But after rolling in the deep for a little over 12 months after some major life transitions, Winter was the season I learnt + launched. Celebrations ::  In July I announced the birth my new site: deliriously deep designed + created by yours truly.  I also launched a new timeslot for my yoga classes in Coolum.  And in August, I celebrated some…
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8 signs you need to hurry up + slow the fuck down.

Maybe you’ve had a meltdown before or maybe you know someone who has.  It’s not pretty.  Not for the person going through it or for anyone who may be on the receiving end. But could you have stopped it??  Did you see the signs??  Did you change something before it was too late??  Or did you wait until you had to pick yourself up off the floor physically + emotionally?? And why did you wait??  Did you think you couldn’t…
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the fifth poetic reminder. observations are just the start, go deeper.

This poem is featured on the very last page of my favourite book, The Wisdom of the Enneagram. I had to read this poem a few times before I really got it.  It wasn’t until I read it again a few months after Vipassana, that I r-e-a-l-l-y got it!  And not just on an intellectual level.  This is exactly what I had experienced at Vipassana.  Suddenly this deep knowing that I had accumulated through all the teachings + all…
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the fourth poetic reminder. that vulnerability is strength.

I read this poem at my friends house, who was also riding the emotional roller-coaster of her quarter life crisis.  She had turned her toilet door into an inspirational wall and amongst the quotes + beautiful images was this poem. +++ A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape but a woman of strength builds looks deep inside to keep her soul in shape A strong woman isn’t afraid of anything but a woman of…
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the third poetic reminder. it’s not about them anyway.

Some people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.  When you know which one it is, you know exactly what to do. Delivered to me with love + gentleness a few months before my world turned upside down and inside out, this poem was given to me by a friend who showed up in my life for a ‘reason’. These friendships can be the most challenging to let go of.  It almost feels as though…
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