sacred dance

Are you ready to dance?

LSD_Resurrected_EventbriteOnce a year I like to throw a one-of-a-kind sacred dance party for all the women out there yearning to awaken their souls and unleash their bodies on the dance floor.

It’s sexy and wild.
Sacred and fun.
Transformative and empowering.

Watch the video below now and I’ll tell you ALL about this year’s theme, RESURRECTED.

Big Love


“It’s the most liberated I’ve felt in 10 years! Seriously, where else on earth can you make soul level discoveries while dancing your ass off to the BEST playlist?! Words cannot do this justice. You just have to experience it!” Kate Erlenbusch, Copywriter, Melbourne



Dear Beauties,

We’re all being called to rise. But we can’t do that if we’re continuously rejecting or neglecting certain aspects of ourselves and letting them wither and die. This year’s Sacred Dance Party is your opportunity to resurrect those long forgotten parts of yourself and return home to being a whole woman, one that embodies her full power and radiance in life, love and work.

Through movement, music and ritual you’ll be guided on an inner journey that will:

  1. IGNITE your soul
  2. AWAKEN your body
  3. RELEASE your fears
  4. OPEN your heart
  5. ACTIVATE your raw feminine power
  6. INTEGRATE  your expansion
  7. CELEBRATE your wholeness

susana sacred dance 2013

Discover how these sacred dance parties have helped women like you transform their lives.

“Since I attended the Sacred Dance Party I have experienced more openness, freedom and acceptance of myself. It unlocked a part of me that I’ve kept under wraps for so long. I feel deeply but usually don’t allow my full expression – but the Sacred Dance Party changed that. I accessed and unleashed parts of myself that I’m happy to say are still open and awakened within me. This has changed my relationships, my sexual expression, my consciousness – my whole entire life. I’m so grateful that I was able to experience this freedom!” – Emma Shields, Yoga Teacher, Rockhampton

“Since I attended the Sacred Dance Party my life and experience of being alive have shifted. For the first time ever, I felt energy building in my body. I felt it move through me and whirl. That experience sparked a curiosity in me that was the beginning and continuation of a sacred relationship with my body. It’s been over a year since that one night and I’m now more connected to my truth, laugh a whole lot, am kinder to myself, honour my time and regularly have transformational conversations with my women about sex, femininity and connection with truth/soul/spirit. I also left my job where I was being a hectic martyr and have spent that last 6 months travelling the world writing, photographing, walking a pilgrimage and (for the most part) really enjoying being alive.“ – Rachelle Jones, Psychologist, Brisbane

I’ve finally found this wild playful side of myself that I wasn’t in touch with before and as a result, I feel sexier and more confident in my body. I also carry much less judgement towards myself and I don’t compare myself to other women as much. This event really showed me that an embodied woman is unique and beautiful, and that should be celebrated. I’m amazed that attending one night like this had such a profound impact on me, but I think that’s because we tend to underestimate the power of moving our body compared to analysing our minds.” – Vanessa Evans, Accountant, Brisbane

Since I attended the Sacred Dance Party I have shifted from shame and embarrassment about my body and who I am to feeling empowered, loved, beautiful and equal. Being in a room full of all types of women who were there for all different reasons reminded me that I’m not alone on this journey of self discovery – and what a liberating realisation that was!” – Diane Knezevic, Marketing Student, Brisbane

sdp hugs 2015

 So if you want to:

  • spend a full evening with me unleashing on the dance floor and activating your raw feminine power
  • shake off the stress and release your fears, inhibitions and anything else holding you back in life and love
  • feel deeply connected, alive, free, open, energised, sexy and Shaktified
  • connect with a vibrant community of soulful women

…then I want to party with YOU!


Buy your ticket now:

Brisbane, August 27

Sydney, September 24



Want to have a peek at last years Sacred Dance Party? Click play:


If you have a question that isn’t answered below send an email to susana (at) susanafrioni (dot) com and I’ll reply within 48hrs during Monday – Friday.

What are the event times?

Doors open at 5pm and will commence at 5:30pm sharp. The event finishes at 9:30pm with the option of mingling afterwards until 10:30pm.

Will I be dancing for the duration of the event?

No. The evening will begin with an opening talk given by Susana followed by her 3hour guided Sacred Dance Journey which will also include opening and closing ceremonies.

What kind of music do you play?

Mostly pop, electronic, R&B, hip-hop, dance, house, indie, rock, tribal and world – a mix of many things!

What should I wear to the Sacred Dance Party?

Anything you want! There are no dress restrictions here. I encourage you to treat this event as a night out with your girlfriends – just be sure you’re able to move freely on the night as you’ll also be sitting and laying on the ground.

I’m pregnant. Is is safe for me to attend?

Absolutely! I’ve had pregnant women attend these Sacred Dance Parties before, one was even 8 months pregnant and she had the most sacred experience ever dancing the night away.

Is the event catered for?

Yes! There will be an after-party spread of delicious food/treats and celebratory non-alcoholic drinks such as Kombucha, juice and tea.

Do I need to bring my printed ticket to the event?

No. We’ll have your details on record – all we need is your name.

DIs there anything else I need to bring with me to the event?

We’ll be providing everything you need on the nights so simply bring yourself.

If I’m no longer able to attend the event, can I refund my ticket?

Tickets are non-refundable but you can most definitely transfer your ticket to someone else. Simply email me with the details of the new ticket holder.

Is this event filmed or photographed?

There will be no filming of this event, however, elements may be professionally photographed.

About your host

SusanaFrioni 3

Susana Frioni is a speaker, writer, dance catalyst and embodiment teacher igniting women through erotic empowerment via her brand LOVE SEX DESIRE. With an audience in 127 countries, Susana produces a weekly podcast series alongside her sacred dance parties and other intimate workshops, both online and in person.

In the last 15 year’s, Susana has taught over 4000 movement classes and facilitated several workshops and hundreds of private coaching sessions.

Her love for movement and music combined with her experience as a Group Fitness Instructor, Yoga Teacher and Certified Deep Living Coach have all influenced the creation of these Sacred Dance Parties.

Susana’s very first Sacred Dance Party was for a group of 25 women at her friend’s wellness retreat back in September 2013. Since then she’s produced six Sacred Dance Parties in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne, as well as featuring at Earth Events Radical Self-Love Party, Soul Sisters Kinfolk Festival and Mama Camp {October 2016}.




“The way you pull women out of their shells through dance and movement to remember and reclaim who they are is mesmerizing.” ~ Megan Koufos, QLD

“Fanfuckintastic. I haven’t felt that wild and free in a really long time and as I continued to dance, I was conscious of the weight on my shoulders lifting until the end of the night, there was none. The night for me was all about courage, ditching the fear and evolving into a stronger and more confident person.” – Rebecca Carden,VIC

“This sacred dance party opened my eyes to appreciate the body I have and the creative ways it can express my soul.” – Lucinda Muldoon, QLD

“By the end of the night, I felt liberated and whole. Like my world really was open and I could do whatever I wanted.” – Leanne MacKenzie, NSW

“It’s so empowering to be completely the woman you want to be. To be sexy, to be ugly, to be gentle, to be able to yell and scream, to be desirable… to do all the things that you hold yourself back from… without judgment but acceptance instead. This is why I believe women should go!” – Diane Knezevic, QLD

It’s the only time in my life I’ve ever had that freedom just to express and understand deeply who I am.” – Elle Woodham, NSW

“I believe women need to attend these with Susana because you can get high on life, sisterhood, music and shaking your ass, while being expressive in whichever way feels right for you in a completely un-judgemental, supportive and loving space with kindred spirits and a rock star at your lead… Need I say more?!” – Sarah Holloway, QLD

Liberating, empowering and hands down, the best night of my life!!” – Rebecca Houghton, QLD

“Susana channelled and guided our energy like a shaman. By the end of the night, I felt like I had shed a skin and emerged a new woman:a woman empowered and ready to shine bright in the world.” – Kylie Pappalardo, QLD

“By the end of the night, I felt like a sex Panther after a feast. Satiated, comfortable in my skin, expressed, super relaxed, soft and open and fluid and sexy and awakened! These Sacred Dance parties truly are a transformational experience. You may enter a stressed, strung out woman, closed off to the richness of yourself and your life. You WILL emerge, like a butterfly from a chrysalis, soaked in love and sex and magic… juiced up, blissed out, high on life. If connection is what you’re craving, you’ll find it here, in yourself, on the dance floor.” – Emma Sheilds, QLD

“As always… the dance session was amazing. It hit me in all the right ways, allowed me to journey into my own desires, ignited my spirit and unleashed my inner seductress.” Jenna Ward, QLD

“Susana was THE BEST, powerful and loving in an authentic supportive way for us as women to give birth to whatever needed to be expressed, purged, embraced and ENJOYED!!! By the end of the night, I was blown away by a heart cracked open by movement, sound, tears, hugs, touch, shifting boundaries, trust and a room filled with love even though I knew not a single woman there. Seriously the best 4 hours I’ve spent going to a venue alone EVER!” – Megan Russo, QLD

 I felt like walls, barriers and limitations had melted away and there was an incredible feeling of full self-expression.”  – Connie Chapman, NSW

Last night was so freeing, so expanding, so feminine, so sexy and so raw. It was an opportunity like no other to feel into and express my emotions and my true self without fear of judgement.” ~ Megan, QLD

“I was really really nervous when I arrived but by the end of the night, I was really in my body and felt expansive. It was AMAZING! And Susana was magnetic, hypnotising and captivating.” – Jessie Kavanagh, QLD

This dance session is something I have longed for, dreamt about and now here I am immersed in the glory of self-expression and freedom of movement without judgement, alongside the beauty of a room full of goddesses celebrating each other. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to do. The space was held perfectly for us. I felt safe, nurtured and inspired to be brave enough to allow what had surface through my body, through the music, and into the dance.” – Sheridan Alves, VIC

“It was amazing!! More than I anticipated and far more meaningful. One of the best nights I have had so far this year” – Kirri White, QLD.

“Susana holds the blueprint for the great healing of the divine feminine and she calls us back to be brave and wild enough to surrender into sacred union. We need these dance parties with Susana as our return to wholeness.” – Melissa Sandon, QLD

“Dancing is such a powerful way to move through your shit, and Susana has this energy that makes you feel safe to unleash. She’s powerful yet gentle at the same time. These Sacred Dance Parties are such a beautiful way to connect with like minded women and is pure joy!” – Natasha Sciotto, QLD

“That was electrifying! One of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had. The best part of the night was just being able to let go and go a bit crazy. There’s not very many moments in our lives where we can fully let go like that where it is accepted and enjoyed. This is a unique and necessary experience. I can’t wait to do it all over again!” – Jacqueline Price, QLD

Want more? Check out these reviews by Kathy, Megan, Jasmine and Tara.

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