The slate for twenty-twelve is whiter + lighter than I ever imagined and the opportunities for expansion are signed, sealed + in transit. Deep down in my bones I know that this year will be filled with more LOVING-KINDNESS, more COMPASSION, and more JOY than I’ve ever experienced before.
But not without some challenges.
Transitions are usually painful experiences. Emotions are intensified + logic loses it’s way. In moments like these it’s easy to shut down, close off, put the walls up or pretend like nothings happened.
But when you’re on a mission to doing the inner work you choose to keep your heart open.
You choose to compassionately never flee from your suffering again.
You choose to face your hurts, your losses, your rage, your shame + your anxieties with courage.
You choose to stop harming yourself + the people around you with your thoughts, your words and your actions.
And you choose to take responsibility for how you show up in the world + the energy you bring to others.
So if it ain’t LOVE
let it go
and rise.

[…] The defining moment: New Years Eve – the night everything changed. […]
[…] months after that I launched my first ever online event Selfish for 27 days. Three months after that the slate got cleaned: relationships that weren’t rooted in love + truth crumbled away while the ones that were […]
honey! loving the white !!! i am feeling the white light radiating phwwwoaaarrr!!! i felt it appropriate to comment on this post – darkness before the dawn in light (pun in tended) of the new dawn…. fresh pure and white baby.. let the good times roll LOVE xxx