this summer was all about beginnings…the pain + the joy.

My transition into 2012 was abrupt, chaotic and stressful. Plans fell apart. Circumstances changed. But the desire to feel connected + free remained the same.

summer lesson – When you are deeply connected to how you want to feel, know that the form of these feelings are ever evolving. Things, people, opportunities, stuff…it all comes and it all goes. And when it does, the intensity of your grief + your rage is in direct proportion to your attachment. So learn to let go. Happiness is on the other side.


the truth kick ::

the interlude. The truth is everybody lies and everybody has secrets. We withhold the truth about who wereally are, what we really want + what we really think on a daily basis. And the crazy thing is, half of the time, we are oblivious to the fact that we are even lying. We tell lies to cover our ass, get us out of trouble, and avoid taking responsibility. We tell lies to get our own way and justify our behaviour…

the beginning. Everyday I’m going to post one question. You may answer each question every day or you may wait until the the end of the week when you have all the questions before diving in and answering them. It really doesn’t matter. What does matter, is HOW you answer these questions. You see, seeking the truth means we need to not settle for the automatic answers that our personality and ego feeds us…

the end. a summary of the questions, where to from here, plus some inspiration + resources to help you along the way.

the writings ::

soul mates + spiritual masters. Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Eat Pray Love was gifted to me from a friend just 3 months before I sat my very first Vipassana + life as I knew it totally transformed. Coincidence? Not at all. Life was throwing me several signals to make some changes and Eat Pray Love was just one of those signals…

the darkness before dawn. The slate for twenty-twelve is whiter + lighter than I ever imagined and the opportunities for expansion are signed, sealed + in transit. Deep down in my bones I know that this year will be filled with more LOVING-KINDNESS, more COMPASSION, and more JOY than I’ve ever experienced before. But not without some challenges…

Make peace with your plate. Jessica Ainscough is THE Wellness Warrior. She’s been there, done that + has lived to tell her story. She embodies all that is to living a healthy glowing kick ass life! And she’s the kind of girl you want to be around just so you can soak in her contagious enthusiasm, overflowing joy + divine presence…

assorted tips inspired by seth godin. thirteen random insights + suggestions.

illumination. poetry for the soul.

the love lists + giveaways ::

i’m loving all things fresh, real + raw.

i’m loving sacred lyrics, savvy book plans, stretcy lyric, sweet healing recipes

danielle laporte’s final spark kit

the yoga ::

2 Monday classes were added to my yoga schedule.


Hope you’re summer was exactly what you needed!

Here’s to aiming true for this Autumn!

Love Susana xo

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