Hot Women to Watch: Tami Smith…from Google HQ to the Voice Bureau and everything in between.

Tsmith-logo{Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one beautiful soul whose work I’m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning.} 

Tami Smith first came onto my radar back in October 2012 when I discovered my friend Abby Kerr (who was a Woman to Watch back in August 2012) teamed up with her at The Voice Bureau where they deliver ‘Empathy Marketing’.  Turns out Tami is a ‘search and social marketing specialist’ who has spent some time working with Google, however, these days she spends her time working with personal brands who do meaningful work in the world.

I’ve also discovered that Tami and I have a bit in common:

  • we are both dominate Type 7 on the Enneagram
  • our top voice values include depth, intimacy and innovation
  • we love paradoxes
  • we believe personal branding is all about the inner work FIRST, and
  • we’ve both lived through two BIG transitions (motherhood and divorce) that have positively changed us a women.

All in all, she’s my kind of girl.  And she’s definitely someone I think you should get to know more.

So here she is: introducing Tami Smith…

{Lets go deep and meaningful}

From breakdown to breakthrough, what was this moment for you?  The defining moment that changed e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.
I’ve only experienced micro-moments, no defining moments in my life. You could say I have had a life of continual breakdowns and dawning points. There are three dawning points that have changed my course (or put me back on course).

1. I have lived with bouts of depression since 1998. The depression bouts are for fairly short, anywhere from three to five days a month. The contrast between my normal days and my dark days is significant. My normal days I feel a sense of connection with life, expansiveness, and mysterious wonder. My dark days I feel separate from life, everything is a threat, and I can barely move. This is one of my dawning points because I’ve come to understand I am always in control of my experience. I can always put my awareness on the things I value like, freedom and respect, curiosity, and innovation. I move from there, rather than fear and depression. It is how I’ve learned to trust life, not my feelings. My emotions change as life stays consistent.

2. Discovering the Enneagram. I was introduced to it in my early thirties but didn’t dive into it fully until a few years ago. I was at a point in life where all sense of fun and happiness had been wrung right out of me.  The enneagram helped me see and understand how I had fully participated in the process. I’ve rarely been content and I’ve always thought the lack of contentment meant I was fundamentally different (broken). I have been the odd one. The curious one always questioning the meaning of life, soul mates, love, openness, chaos, infinity. I’m dominant in Type Seven which explains why people have called me a “Free Spirit” and why I have longed for freedom. My second dawning point came through the enneagram and the realization my home is nowhere and everywhere. I’m coming home to myself because of understanding and non-judgement of my sevenish ways.

3. My third dawning point was through my divorce and the raw pain of realizing nothing would ever be enough; no relationship, children, job, dream, or identity could fill the longing in my heart.  When I finally exhausted myself, I reconnected with who I am that is unchanging.

What has been the most challenging thing to let go of so you could put yourself first (be it your health or your desires or your inner voice)?
Approval. I lived for approval from others because I didn’t have a sense of intrinsic worth. It has been a slow, and not pretty, process of letting go.

What advice are you always giving others when it comes to personal branding?
To be a personal brand is a vulnerable thing. Having a deep sense of who you are without external approval is foundational. Knowing who you are, how you are wired, and how your strengths play a role in your methodology is the first step. The second part is understanding who you serve and defining your right people or ideal client.   Understanding value through the eyes of ideal clients, and designing for them, isn’t about compromising your passions or purpose, it is expanding your purpose to include “who” you serve in a more intentional way.What books are you always telling people to read?
For Marketing:

Call to Action: Secret Formulas to Improve Online Results by Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg

Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug

Marketing in the Age of Google by Vanessa Fox

Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep Metaphors Reveal About the Minds of Consumers by Gerald Zaltman, Lindsay H. Zaltman

Non Marketing:

Becoming Real by Rose Kumar M.D.

Falling into Grace by Adyashanti

Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships: Healing the Wound of the Heart by John Welwood

When do you most feel like a Goddess?
I’ve honestly struggled with feeling like a Goddess. It is something I’m working on and opening to understanding. The most connected I feel to an inner-feminine power is when I spend time with trees or sitting in moonlight.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear: EMPATHY?
Trust. It is the only thing I trust because it is the only way I know to empty myself of my own point of view and see from another perspective. Empathy requires courage to let go of preconceived ideas. It is revolutionary.

{Now for the short and sweet}

I’m interested in…aging. Entering midlife has been transformational, scary, and powerful.

I believe…truth is in the moment.

In my experience…everything has been necessary for my awakening to meet life on life’s terms.

2013… is the time to see how happy I am.


Tami offers resources, group coaching, and high-touch consulting services to value based businesses who want to reach an intended audience with consistency and clarity. You can find her at Targeted Traffic Strategies or at The Voice Bureau where she delivers Empathy Marketing with Abby Kerr.  You can also connect with Tami on twitter here.

PS.  Also, check out this awesome article Tami just wrote called The Myth of the Ideal Client (one of my favourite articles to date!).

7 Comments to “Hot Women to Watch: Tami Smith…from Google HQ to the Voice Bureau and everything in between.”

  1. lol … not that this is true for you, but i felt compelled to comment, as i resonated with your comments … 4’s often get misinterpreted as their wings or cross-over numbers …. i speak to you as one who is a 4: your story sounds like it comes from the 4 in you, while having a strong cross-over path to 7, which helps to bring 1st- personal stability and 2nd- ability to connect to others, allowing for a wonderful powerful presentation of your amazing yet incredibly vulnerable insights.

  2. Susana, thank you for this interview. I agree that Tami is one to watch!

    Tami, gosh girl, where to begin. Rather than listing all the similarities I have with you, let me just say thank you. It’s good to see so much of myself reflected in your experience. Letting go of approval–great, but not pretty, yes. And how you articulated the connection between letting go of approval and the foundational work of branding? Magnifico!

    And finally–aging. Transformational. Scary. Powerful. Exactly as I would describe it! It’s a fascinating time for me (which I’m grateful for).

    Thank you for the blessing of your vulnerability.

  3. Vic, how insightful about the 4 in me. From a tritype I see myself as a 7-4-9 and have a love/hate relationship with personal accountability!

    Susan, I am not at all surprised that you see multiple similarities, I sensed that from what I know of your story. AND yes, aging. Whew. This is not over by a long shot. So much letting go is still in process. Thanks for understanding and relating!

  4. This is SO beautiful, Tami. I enjoyed reading about your dawning points as well as experiences.

    My favorite line: “Empathy requires courage to let go of preconceived ideas. It is revolutionary.”

  5. Great interview. I only know a few people in my life that is truly authentic, Tami is one of those people. Watch for greater things to come from her. :-)

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