Hot Women to Watch: Megan Koufos…family soul mentor and intuitive child whisperer.

{Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one beautiful soul whose work I’m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning.} 

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For the past couple of months, I’ve been eager to connect with women who are doing amazing things in the world AND juggling mamahood.  This is when I met Megan Koufos, an Intuitive Child Whisperer, Family Soul Mentor and  Modern Psychic Medium.

Spending time with Megan is very soothing and reassuring.  She is wise, caring, trustworthy and very nurturing.  She has helped me become a better mum by helping me learn more about my children’s souls…and my own soul.  I am very grateful for her presence in my life and I sincerely hope she has a presence in every mama’s life.

Introducing Megan Koufos…

{Lets go deep and meaningful}

From breakdown to breakthrough, what was this moment for you?  The defining moment that changed e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. 

Following the birth of my first two children and my journey with post-natal depression. It was a dark time, and to be honest I don’t remember a lot of it in detail. I do remember the day that I knew I had to do something. I was driving with my kids – my son was 1.5 and my daughter was about 5 months old. I remember have a vision of me driving over to the other side of the road and ending it all. I was horrified, pulled over and burst into tears. And for the first time in my life I prayed. I prayed for that darkness to lift. For the sadness to be gone. I prayed for my babies to be safe, and that I wanted to watch them grow up and have their own babies. I prayed for me to be there for that. No one ever knew how dark it got for me, because I hide things well. I always have. But after that moment something changed. I started walking and getting back into exercise, and taking care of myself, listening to audio books and meditating, connecting with my angles, and things slowly got better. And then I found out about a spiritual development and meditation course just down the road from me, so I went. And over those weeks, I reconnected with my psychic abilities, re-established my connection with crystals, reconnected with my soul and began my journey to soulpreneurship. And although my journey hasn’t been as easy as I though it would be – letting go of so many friends, childhood issues, limiting beliefs and fears, and opening my heart and soul to me to be vulnerable and raw – I wouldn’t change it for anything.  I recently wrote a blog post about my journey with post-natal depression here.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received when it comes to parenting?

Oh there has been so much. The first things that come to mind (there are a few):

That our children are infintiely wise souls who are here to teach us so much. As parents we are here to nurture and encourage them to experience all of the life lessons that they have chosen to experience for the growth of their souls. When we look at the world through the eyes of a child everything makes sense – there is wonder and joy and even the smallest things. They are in the absolute present moment living it to the fullest – and that is a beautiful sacred gift to be treasured.

To be honest with your kids about how you are feeling, and what you are doing to work through it. This helps them to know that what they are feeling is ok, and gives them permission to just feel and strategies as well. Their intuition will pick up when something is going on with you without you even having to say anything. So being honest with them validates their intuition and feelings, so they don’t start to question what they are sensing. Denying and resisting how we truly feel neglects our soul of the deep expanding and growing experiences it has come here to have. So for example my children each have a special quiet place which is full of cushions, crystals and a book so when they are feeling overwhelmed, or frustrated they know they can go and hang out there to get centered, and calm. So when I am feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or just working through things, I let them know I need to go and have some time in my special quiet place – my healing space full of crystals and angels cards – and they get it completely.

Take time for self care – honestly this is one I’m still working on, but I know how important it is, from my journey. Only once you fill up your well do you have enough to be able to give to others. I have a beautiful analogy for us mums to really put it into perspective why we must take time for self care: A mum is much like a heart – yes the one beating in your chest. The heart is the most selfish organ of all. Why? Because it takes all of the rich oxygenated blood for itself first, and then pumps the rest to the other parts of the body. And if the heart did not do this, it would not be able to work at its best ability and all of the other body parts would wither and die. So you as a mum are the heart of your family. For your family and household to be operating at a happy and harmonious level you NEED to take care of yourself, doing something that nurtures your mind, body and soul. Because if you don’t you can not operate at your best ability, and be the best mum and wife that you want to be.

What has been the most challenging thing to let go of so you could put yourself first (be it your health or your desires or your inner voice)?

Everything – I’ve really let go of the person I was. I was the one who always did things because she felt like she should, to keep everyone else happy. I was the ‘good’ girl in my family who went to uni and got a good job, and bit my tongue to not offend anyone even when I needed to say something. I always did everything to keep everyone else happy at the expense of me, and as a result completely disconnected from my soul. After having my kids and starting on my healing journey I’ve started being true to my soul path and purpose. One because I’ve felt a strong urge to be more true to me, and two because I was to be the best authentic role model for my kids, standing in my truth. Its ruffled some feathers as I’ve started doing things my way – like turning my back on my corporate IT career, being more honest about what I want and speaking up about it, saying no and being more conscious of setting boundaries. I’ve lost a lot of friends in the process, and although I’ve had several falling outs with my extended family, they have come to accept the changes in me and those that truly love me for who I am have embraced all of my changes. Its been hard letting go of being a people pleaser and the security of a well paying steady job to focus on my dreams and family, but it has been so worth it. I’m coming to the realisation that not everyone is going to like my message, and I’m slowly getting used to that.

Why do you do the work that you do?

I love kids. I always wanted to be a mum, from the moment I could remember. I used to wrap my mums cat up in a towel like a baby and push her around like a baby – true story – that cat hated me lol. No but seriously I love kids. I love their honesty. Their non-judgement. They don’t hold grudges, discriminate – they have so much to teach us. And I truly believe that they our are our key to change the world. And my purpose is to give them a voice to do that. To help their mothers connect with their child’s soul, to know exactly what is going on in their world, to know what they have come here to do, to give them the encouragement, nurturing and space to be able to do that, and to learn and grow ourselves from their infinite wisdom and knowledge. Because once we can see how infinently wise and divine we are and our children are, it completely transforms the way we parent and the parents we are. Looking at ourselves through the eyes of our children,  helps us to reconnect with our own inner child, to heal and release the pain that we have there, to transform us, our relationships and heal into wholeness. I see what I do as an absolute divine gift to be able to give to the children, their mothers and families, and am so humbled and honored to be able to do so.

What books are you always telling people to read?

Oh there are so many:
No matter What – Lisa Nichols – this was the first book I listened to on my healing journey. I remember Lisa’s words gave me strength to get through those dark days
The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho – what an adventure, so profound and eye opening
A Journey Into Being – Christine Ramos – a must read for every mother
The Big Leap – by Gay Hendricks – so eye opening for helping you to move through your upper limit
Way of the peaceful warrior – Dan Millman – great story with a powerful message and lessons
Care and Feeding of the Indigo Children – Doreen Virtue – has some amazing angel therapy techniques for mothers of all children, its not just for ‘indigos’
Angel Therapy Handbook – Doreen Virtue – Has lots of angel therapy information – its actually used as a reference guide for all of her certified practitioners
Your Psychic Child – Sara Wiseman – some great stories and experiences to help mothers with sensitive and intuitive children – my favorite type
Psychic Kids – Sue Bishop – another great book for mothers of sensitive and intuitive children
Psychic Children – Sylvia Browne – and yet another great book for mothers of sensitive and intuitive children – do you notice a theme here
The Wise Child – Sonia Choquette – and another great book for mothers of sensitive and intuitive children
The Intuitive Spark – Sonia Choquette – a great book for mothers to help their children connect with and live from their intuition
Conversations With God – Neale Donald Walsch – totally changed my views of God and started opening my eyes to something greater than ourselves

When do you most feel like a Goddess?

It doesn’t take much. Always after I get my hair done – it feels so light and freeing. And after a good nights sleep which can be a bit of a challenge with a baby. But when my sleep tank is full I feel like a new women ready to take on the world with all my delicious energy and inner feminine power.

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear SOUL?

Mmmmm the essence of who we are, the infinitely divine and anciently wise part of us that is just waiting for us to reconnect to and welcome us home to ourselves with a big warm hug.

{Short and Sweet}

I’m interested in…life and all the big questions of the Universe – how did we get here, where did we come from, time travel, different dimensions, parallel universes  – where science and spirituality meet.

I the power of love and our kids.

In my experience…in opening our hearts to love our kids, we open our hearts to love ourselves.

2013…is the time of the divine feminine. We have been so out of balance with the Divine masculine for ceturies, and this year women are feeling a massive push to start taking back their femine power, reconnecting with their inner goddesses and intuition and change the world. What an awesome time to be alive!


Connect with Megan here:

7 Comments to “Hot Women to Watch: Megan Koufos…family soul mentor and intuitive child whisperer.”

  1. Until I had the opportunity to work with Megan, I was skeptical and and a little weirded out by the idea of psychic abilities and intuitive work. Let’s just say that completely changed after a couple of sessions with her.

    Mind blowingly intuitive, wise and compassionate. She’s the real deal x

  2. Gosh I love reading these! I’m with you Susana, when I first came across Megan and her work, I knew that we could expect amazing things from this gorgeous woman. Loved reading about your journey and your take on stuff Megan. I resonate so deeply with what you said about turning your back on your corporate career and speaking your truth. I had to go back to work twice to learn that lesson once and for all. Love your work ladies xo

  3. Thank you so much Susana for giving me the honor to share my story on your beautiful blog xox I’m so grateful to be in the company of all of these amazing, talented and world changing ladies xo
    Thank you Kirri, your words are too kind xo
    Vanessa honey so grateful for your supportive xox love that we share similar journeys xox
    Thank you so much Jane, you support means the world to me <3
    Love to you all xxox

  4. This is such a great reminder for parents to take care of themselves first so they can be the best, most aware, and connected parent they can be. Great interview!

  5. Lovely interview! The first time I saw your website, Megan, it beamed light! So I know you are the real deal – and so sweet and kind too. Keep up the amazing work you do. It is SO needed : ). Big hugs, Karina

  6. Ooohh…had goosebumps reading this. Firstly, awesome questions Susana! …& thank you Megan, I love your beautiful insights and raw honesty – thanks for sharing xo

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