Hot Women to Watch: Tara Bliss…from party girl to peace maker.

Tara Bliss
{Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature putting the spotlight on one beautiful soul who’s work I’m admiring and cheering for} 

This month, it’s all about Tara Bliss.

We met online last year through Marie Forleo’s Bschool program (one of the hottest spots for meeting incredibly talented women by the way!) and now we’re co-hosting A Night of Stillness together.

She’s a fellow life coach with an infectious obsession with crystals and tarot cards.  And in the past 12 months she has been committed to kicking fears ass, endorsing change and helping women all around the world get HIGH on the good stuff.  From party girl to peace maker, I introduce to you Tara Bliss…

{Lets dive into the deep and meaningful}
From breakdown to breakthrough, what was this moment for you?  The defining moment that changed e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.
Just one?!  The last 12 months have been especially epic in my neck of the woods, but specifically, the month I spent in Mexico in May, 2012 will always go down as a defining experience.  I left Mexico feeling as though I’d just been in a month-long dream.  I was un-plugged from technology, but fully plugged in to Spirit.  I meditated for hours each day, and truly felt as though it was a month-long spiritual purge which allowed me to fill up on the good stuff.  My meditations were filled with vivid images and concise guidance, which is how I decided that I would be a coach of some sort, and that I would sign up for B-School- these’s are some of the very specific messages that came through.  Also, I hand-drew a vision board while I was there, and all of it has come into fruition.  I wish I could prescribe Magical, Mexican May’s to everyone in my life!

What has been the most challenging thing to let go of so you could put yourself first (be it your health or your desires or your inner voice)?
My Party Girl identity.  It’s been a huge skin-shedding process; very difficult at times, inspiring and full of ease at others.  I owned my identity and wore my Party Girl label loud and proud (as we often do), so to strip that away and attempt to get to know myself again was a really naked, awkward experience, but so, so worth it.  These days, I bliss out instead of pass out.  I get turned on by whole foods and entrepreneurship and my ridiculously ambitious soul sisters (like yourself!).  I daydream of skate boarding and writing books and laughing in the sun.  My psyche can expand past the weekend now, which is a fucking miracle, even if I do say so myself.  Life feels fluid, and like it’s on my side now, rather than something that continually lets me down (such is common Party Girl ‘tude).

When it comes to love, what’s the best advice you’ve received?
I hear a constant knocking from my body asking me to show her more love, and it’s key that I listen to her.  I don’t think I can experience outward love if my heart’s not humming along nicely.  My marriage, my conversations, my friendships, my writing- it’s all better when I prioritise my heart’s happiness with self-care.

When it comes to business, what’s the best advice you’ve received?
‘Start before you’re ready’- Marie Forleo
‘Being qualified is overrated’- Danielle LaPorte

What books are you always telling people to read?
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.  It’s a total game changer; I love the unravelling of the Upper Limit Problem and revel in the understanding that we really DO create our circumstances (both the good and the bad), and that our subconscious will continue to sabotage our happiness unless we proactively commit to living more awakened lives.  Any book that suggests we all become a little more energetically responsible gets two big thumbs up from me.

When do you most feel like a Goddess?
When I’m in the ocean.  On a snowboard.  Writing.  Laughing big, ugly laughs.  When I’m alone with my man

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word SOBRIETY?
Resilience.  Divine commitment.  Soon, but not just yet.  Right.   Evolution.  Gentle.  The Party Girl’s Guide to Peace.

{Now for the short and sweet}
I’m interested in…  sexy, interesting people with killer vocabularies.

I believe… That we live in the Matrix.  We haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of what we’re capable of; but sure enough, if you want to get a little bit closer to the understanding, meditate for a month in Mexico!

In my experience…  You receive what you believe.  Every freakin’ time.

2013… is asking me to play bigger than ever before.  She wants to be the year that I step into full-time entrepreneurship.  The year that I prioritise self care and prayer first and foremost.  The year that I use my voice (rather than just written word) and collaborate with powerful, spirit-centred women.  She’s the year that I help hundreds of women drop their Party Girl label and embody PEACE.  She is love, and community, and diving off the deep end.


Be sure to check out Tara’s first e-course, The Party Girls’ Guide to Peace, a 6 week temple of transparency and truth that keeps on giving.  It’s your big fat permission slip to step upsay no and drop the excuses.  Peace-seekers unite, January 18.

7 Comments to “Hot Women to Watch: Tara Bliss…from party girl to peace maker.”

  1. Goosebumps! So much juicy wisdom in here.

    Love what Ta says about love. Self-love is so so important, the relationship you have with yourself truly governs how beautifully every other relationship can unfold.

    You two babes are just so inspiring, and truly on fire! Big love beams to both of you. :)

    Jia Ni

  2. Awesome interview! Awesome Tara! You girls really impress me and it’s so beautiful to see your gorgeous bond. Yay to being soul sisters! Big hugs, Karina

  3. Wow some really powerful stuff there ladies- I loved it! I need a month in Mexico!! Big love to both of you amazing, inspirational ladies mwah xxxx

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