a celebration of self-love & motherhood. (Plus, EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ends tonight!).

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I have just finished listening to the beautiful audio of the Self-Love and Sisterhood tour created by Earth Events. Had I not been travelling in New Mexico I would have been there with bells on to hear of these amazing women spread the message of self-love and sisterhood.

I adore all of these women.  Every one of their stories on how “self love” changed the course of their life is inspiring and empowering.  Collectively, they’ve overcome cancer, dissolved party-girl identities and let go of obsessive self-loathing.  And the part I love most, is that these women are humble, approachable and radiate love and generosity in all that they do.

One of my favourite parts in the audio is when Amanda Rootsey recites a question that was asked from one of the women at the previous Self-Love and Sisterhood event in Brisbane.

She says, “This is all great, but if you’re a mum it’s a little more difficult.  Any advice for us?”

It’s true.

None of these women have navigated motherhood.  Not yet.

And it’s true that finding the time to take care of yourself can be a little more difficult when most of your time is devoted to taking care of  everyone else.

But the wisdom and key message that these women shared was just as applicable to mothers as it was for all the other women in the room:

Self-love is all about a profound acceptance of yourself as you actually are without judgement or attempting to change your experience.  

From my experience, this kind of profound acceptance, being with what is, is all about returning to Presence time and time again.

So don’t think for a minute that self-love is ONLY all about the juicing, the daily meditation practice, the rebounding, the workouts, the chakra cleansing, the raw food, the time alone, the affirmations, the gratitude lists and so forth.

All of these things will come in due time, especially as the dynamics of your family organically change and your children grow less and less dependant on you.  And there will be times when you radically make some changes to do whatever it takes to have some “100% me time” because your sanity depends on it.

But until then, all you need to remember is that self-love is about making a commitment to never ever again abandoning yourself to the degree that you are not fully present to your life. And to be fully present in your life, to be engaged with what is happening right now, all you need to do is be aware of your breath: no judgments, no justifying, no fantasying, no worrying, no complaining…just awareness of the breath.

Now, take a deep breath in…and a long breath out.  And repeat.

This is your lifeforce…whether you are a mum or not.



The most important time in your life is right now.
The most important person is the one that is in front of you right now.
The most important activity is the one you are doing right now.
Deepak Chopra


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“As I am sitting here now preparing for round 2 of Selfish, I just had to write you a note to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. As I’m working through the worksheets, not only am I thinking about ‘the right now’ but I can’t help but reflect back on how far I’ve come since my last ‘Selfish’ and even more so since our coaching sessions. I am constantly finding that I’m stepping out of myself and observing how I am dealing with, or interacting in a situation. I can even hear myself saying, “have a look at that. You would have never reacted like that 6months ago” . I think Emma Shields said in her testimonial that the real progress was made in the coming months AFTER 27 days. I couldn’t agree with her more. 27 days is just the seed that has been planted, waiting to come to life and blossom. So thank you my dearest one for helping make a difference in my life.” 

Early bird special ends 9pm Friday 26th April.  Enrolment closes Friday 3rd May. Click here to join >>>



7 Comments to “a celebration of self-love & motherhood. (Plus, EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ends tonight!).”

  1. Love this post Susana,

    It is truly signing to me! There is such a (perceived) struggle between self love and mother guilt – it is possibly what brings some of us crashing down so quickly in the early years of our children’s lives. After working through some of my self love issues and resistance, my relationship has definitely improved with my children – I am a better mum for it! However, this level of being present regardless of what is going on has never occurred to me with such clarity. Of course now I can see most discord happens between myself nd the kids when I am focused on something else that should be happening, is happening soon, or happened 10 minutes or 10 hours ago.

    I am in awe of how many layers this onion of self love has – and I am grateful that you are helping us all peel them away and see through the tears!


  2. Lisa :: yes! I totally agree. Anytime I’m wishing I was doing something else other than what is happening right now my body begins to get tense…the energy in my body starts to amplify…and if I don’t breathe and anchor myself ‘right here, right now’ I can easily turn into crazy mum. There are so many layers to this work…it really is a truly amazing unfolding. XX

  3. I love, love, love this post Susana. Its such a beautiful way of looking at self-love – so different from what I have seen anywhere before. Looking at self love that way – to be fully present – is something that I can and do. And with that realisation I just felt all of my expectations upon my self to try and have some ‘alone time’ just dissolved, and a weight has lifted. Thank you gorgeous <3
    Love and gratitude

  4. Megan: YES! self-love does not equal alone time…self-love equals presence. Revelling in your expectations dissolving and the lightness this has brought for you <3

  5. So good to read this, I felt like I was the only one who watched all the gorgeous updates and think to myself ‘if only I could go to the bathroom alone let alone do yoga, meditate and spend endless hours with friends’. One of the biggest challenges of mother hood was changing from ‘me’ to ‘such and suches mum’ two totally different lives.

  6. Thankyou Susana for making the link between the self love tour event and Motherhood! It is awesome to hear and learn from all these amazing, inspirational ladies but it can be difficult to apply it all to your life when you are a Mum and have little (or no) time alone -) I can totally relate to everything above. x Libby

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