Embodiment, shadow work & the White Light w/ Belinda Davidson {part two}

After I released last weeks interview with Belinda Davidson, we realised how much we left you all hanging and decided to record another interview. If you haven’t already noticed,  Belinda is the kind of woman I can speak to for hours. She’s also the kind of woman I want you {my LOVE SEX DESIRE community} to learn from, especially when it comes to spirituality, soulful living, healing and embodying the modern mystic. I’m honoured to have her back for…
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Life purpose vs Soul purpose w/ Belinda Davidson {part one}

  “I call the sensitive amongst us the modern mystics. We are the intuitives, the empaths, the mediums, and the seers; we are the healers, the shamans, the witches, and the lightworkers. We are the ones born with feet in both worlds, and the ones who often suffer because we don’t know how to live and navigate between these worlds.” ~ Belinda Davidson, Author of From Dark to Light If you’re here playing in my LOVE SEX DESIRE world, then…
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Is Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course really worth it?

This was a question I found myself asking last year when I first discovered her course. I had just taken the Erotic Blueprint Quiz and watched her free training videos. They were so incredibly valuable and they helped me immensely to better understand the differences and challenges I was encountering in the bedroom. I noticed an immediate shift and thought things would be all good. Therefore, I didn’t feel like I needed to invest in the training. But as time…
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