How to sustain sexual fulfillment & achieve erotic mastery w/ Jaiya.

Some of the most common sexual frustrations or challenges I hear from people revolve around these three things: a lack of libido, desire or drive a lack of attraction, and a lack of sexual compatibility. For many people, the death of their sex life usually leads to the death of their relationship. In most cases, these relationships are actually deeply loving and thriving in several other ways, which just makes the whole thing even more perplexing. It’s also not something…
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Dating & Sex: Are you afraid of sending mixed signals?

This one is dedicated to the sensually embodied women navigating the dating scene. It’s inspired by a series of questions I received in an interview not so long ago, and I’m choosing to turn those questions into this episode for two reasons: #1: My answer to those questions never made it to air. I’m guessing the interviewer either a) didn’t like my answers, b) regretted revealing so much of her personal situation just so I could better understand her question …
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Season 4 begins! Are you prioritising or pursuing pleasure?

Welcome back to another season of LOVE SEX DESIRE. I have 13 NEW episodes coming your way. Most of them are going to focus primarily on sex. Sexual chemistry, sexual compatibility, sexual confidence, sexual curiosities, sex after baby, sex after trauma, sex after a break-up etc. Why? Because that’s what you’ve asked for! These episodes are inspired by the insights and suggestions you submitted from the survey I put together at the end of Season 3. They’re also inspired by…
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Coming off the pill, rediscovering sexual desire & adoring your cycle w/ Claire Baker

Thanks to my mother and her devotion to natural therapies, I’ve never taken the contraceptive pill. Because of this, I’ve never had to deal with many of the challenges that so many other women experience as a result of their long-term use of this little synthetic pill, usually prescribed to them in their early teenage years. One of these extraordinary women is today’s special guest, Australian Women’s Coach and writer, Claire Baker. After 10 years of being on the…
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