Podcast update: Celebrating a milestone with gifts and preparing for change.

With the 100th episode milestone for the LOVE SEX DESIRE Podcast series just around the corner, I want to extend my deepest heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for letting me into your world. Whether you’ve only recently joined the party or have been here since the very first episode some three years ago, it warms my heart knowing that our LSD community is growing every single day. With downloads happening in 182 countries, it’s obvious we’re a diverse community and yet…
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My wild love affair with pleasure {autumn reflections}

It’s been six months since I started having a wild love affair with pleasure. (Best decision ever!) It all started back in the summer of 2016/17, and like most summer love affairs, it was pretty wild. I literally spent 3 months {intentionally} shaking things up and taking a lot of counter-intuitive actions. The result? HUGE Expansion. And a podcast episode sharing the best of what I learned during that summer. But that was 3 months ago now. Another season has…
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How aligning with the moon cycle changed Dr. Ezzie Spencer’s life.

I’m obsessed with discovering how people create change in their life. Not superficial changes. But real, deep, positive and sustainable changes. The kind of changes that result in someone living in alignment with their true nature and, therefore, manifesting their true gifts out in the world. There are a number of tools and practices available to help people create these kinds of changes, and in today’s LOVE SEX DESIRE podcast episode, we’re going to explore ONE of these practices created…
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8 ways to help your partner give you the sex you want.

Recently, I received a message from one of my listeners. Except this particular listener was a man {which is obviously not my target market}. He listens to my podcast so he can better understand his wife and essentially be the best lover he can be for both his pleasure and her pleasure. {#nowthatsakeeper} But as a result of learning more about women and all things LOVE SEX DESIRE he also started to learn some new things about himself and had…
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Acting out & growing up w/ Amanda Vella.

One thing I know for sure is that relationships will forever be a container for some of the deepest healings and the most profound transformations we’ll ever experience. Because of this, I deeply appreciate anyone willing to reveal their own struggles when it comes to relationships, and how they overcame them…especially on a public platform. One of these people is today’s special guest, Amanda Vella. She’s a writer, teacher, doula and Founder of Illuminate Yoga studio in Sydney where…
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