Milf life lessons from Founder of Sacred Spectrum Mothers Movement, Zoe Martin

“Behind that [success] was this girl, this woman who was tired of masking, tired of living this masculine life.” – Zoe Martin Have you ever felt like you were living a double life? Does your partner or kids or even yourself fall on the autism spectrum? Do you struggle to identify with the term Milf? Has your quest to feel sexy led you down the path of breast implants and/or explanting? If so, then this podcast episode is for you.…
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Milf Life lessons from Vaginapractor, Kimberly Johnson.

“Women need more postpartum care, period. You can’t keep doing everything that you’ve been doing and add a baby to it and then think that your sexuality is just going to be online. It just doesn’t work that way.” ~ Kimberly Johnson Knowing what I know now about love, sex, and desire, there’s no way I’d have more babies without investing in some serious postpartum care. Period. It’s a non-negotiable for me and if you too also care about your…
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Milf Life lessons with Naturopath & Intuitive Healer, Kate Reardon

“Surrender sounds like this really sexual, spiritual word and it gets thrown around a lot but when you really have to surrender, it is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do.” ~ Kate Reardon  Are you a traveling family? {Or do you plan on being one?} Do you and your partner spend more time together than the usual couple because you also work together? Have you been with your partner for over a decade? Have you ever…
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Milf in the spotlight 01: Sarah Wilder

Milf in the Spotlight features stories from women within the LOVE SEX DESIRE community who are currently juggling the roles of woman, lover, and mother.  “…as a child I really denied my femininity. I didn’t feel like becoming a woman was safe. I felt ashamed of it. I was ashamed of having boobs, I was ashamed of having hips, and having a very womanly figure and so I hid that. It’s only now that I embrace it because it’s my…
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Milf Life lessons from Pussy Gazing Queen, Lacey Haynes.

“I recognised that the beauty between my legs was in direct opposition with the beauty standards I’ve been packaged and sold my whole life.“ ~ Lacey Haynes Today’s special guest, Lacey Haynes, is the sexy mama of a two-year-old who sold out her signature Pussy Gazing workshop five times in 2018 in London and Berlin and inspired millions to rethink their relationship to pregnancy and birth when her free birth story went viral in 2017 making international headlines. Like most…
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