Vipassana meditation changed my life. (Part One)

{This is a three part series.  Part one answers the what, how, when, why of Vipassana.  Part two delves into my personal experience at Vipassana. Part three is my advice for those thinking about Vipassana} What is Vipassana meditation? Vipassana means insight into the nature of reality or to see things as they really are (not how you want them to be). It is one of India’s most ancient meditation techniques that helps people be free from their suffering.  The…
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Poetry: She let go.

She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go. She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go. She didn’t ask anyone for advice. She didn’t read a book on how to let…
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Hot Women to Watch: Tami Smith…from Google HQ to the Voice Bureau and everything in between.

Tsmith-logo{Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature where I put the spotlight on one beautiful soul whose work I’m appreciating and cheering on because something tells me this is just the beginning.}  Tami Smith first came onto my radar back in October 2012 when I discovered my friend Abby Kerr (who was a Woman to Watch back in August 2012) teamed up with her at The Voice Bureau where they deliver ‘Empathy Marketing’.  Turns out Tami is a ‘search…
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Talking with Hillary Rubin about the Art of Becoming a Coach and being uniquely qualified.

I’m just coming down off a huge high after speaking at the amazing event Soulpreneurs in Brisbane this week with 3 other incredible women, who all happen to be ‘coaches’ as well. On the night we were asked about certification.  And each of us on the panel had a different answer. Some of us are qualified. Some of us aren’t. For myself, I have chosen the qualified route because I wanted some formal training with one of the profound tools…
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8 bold & beautiful reasons why you should say YES to Selfish for 27 days.

  1. You need your people! Change. Transition. Growth. Anywhere worth getting to definitely requires a tribe of caring, understanding and supporting peeps.  I know for certain, that I wouldn’t be where I am today without my tribe of “soul sistas”.  And funnily enough, I met most of them online…in private facebook groups…from online programs I participated in. You will find some of your people here. Plus, one of those people will be me.  You have my full attention and…
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