3 video clips that evoked 3 qualities: compassion, acceptance and forgiveness.

May they do the same for you. {Warning: it is very possible that one or all three of these clips will trigger some tears.  Let yourself be moved.} COMPASSION //   ACCEPTANCE //   FORGIVENESS // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What moved you this past week?  What cracked you open?  What broke your heart? What had you love even deeper and wider? Tell me in the comments below. Big Love Susana XO…
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Hot Women to Watch: Tara Bliss…from party girl to peace maker.

Tara Bliss {Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature putting the spotlight on one beautiful soul who’s work I’m admiring and cheering for}  This month, it’s all about Tara Bliss. We met online last year through Marie Forleo’s Bschool program (one of the hottest spots for meeting incredibly talented women by the way!) and now we’re co-hosting A Night of Stillness together. She’s a fellow life coach with an infectious obsession with crystals and tarot cards.  And in the past 12…
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The theme, the desires and the goddesses guiding my twenty-thirteen.

  The theme… If you remember from my last post, my theme word for 2012 was STRENGTH.  It was exactly what I needed for the final phase of my Saturn Return: becoming independent and growing up. Now that my strength muscle has had a workout and I’m feeling more comfortable and supported in my “big girl boots”, I’m ready to let my hair down and call back my wild inner child.  She’s ready to come out and play in…
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before moving forward, it’s best to look back.

I don’t know about you but I cannot look forward to the year ahead without looking back at the year that’s just gone. Rewind to December 30th 2011.  It was my first astrology reading with Tali Edut from The Astro Twins.  I had chosen to delve deeper into astrology so it’s insights could help me plan for 2012.  I sensed it was going to be a big one as I was on the verge of taking a big leap…
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the best of 2012: part two

  Best Online TV Show:  The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet.  I pulled an all-nighter watching all of these shows. the conversation   Best Promo Video: The Lifestyle Transformation Guide by Jessica Ainscough.  This promo clip always inspires me to be my healthiest self.   Best Motivational Video: A credo for making it happen by Danielle LaPorte – nothing seems impossible after watching this!   Best Blog Post: What are you afraid of by the beautiful Tara Bliss.  This post (and…
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