day one of the 5 DAY TRUTH KICK

So here’s how it’s going to work. Everyday I’m going to post one question.  You may answer each question every day or you may wait until the the end of the week when you have all the questions before diving in and answering them.  It really doesn’t matter. What does matter, is HOW you answer these questions. You see, seeking the truth means we need to not settle for the automatic answers that our personality and ego feeds us: this…
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5 day TRUTH KICK + SPARK KIT giveaway winner announced

Expressing the truth about who we are and what we really want is the key to peaceful and healthy living.  Listening to ourselves and acknowledging what we really feel allows us to change what is not working and to live in a more meaningful, purposeful way.  If we are not willing to listen to or see our truth, the question that we really need to ask is, who is the lie for? ~ The Truth Heals by Deborah King The…
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giveaway: Danielle LaPorte’s LAST Spark Kit worth $150.

Eighteen months ago, I did a digital program that changed the direction of my life and my career.  Back then it was called THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS.  Now it’s called THE SPARK KIT. But as of earlier this week, the creator Danielle LaPorte, has retired THE SPARK KIT (which by the way, spread through the interwebs like wildfire and landed her a 6 figure publishing deal amongst many other incredible things).  You see, the hardcover version titled The Fire
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giveaway: Danielle LaPorte’s LAST Spark Kit worth $150.

Eighteen months ago, I did a digital program that changed the direction of my life and my career.  Back then it was called THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS.  Now it’s called THE SPARK KIT. But as of earlier this week, the creator Danielle LaPorte, has retired THE SPARK KIT (which by the way, spread through the interwebs like wildfire and landed her a 6 figure publishing deal amongst many other incredible things).  You see, the hardcover version titled The Fire
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