Dating advice from Intimacy & Sexuality Expert, Michaela Boehm

“Don’t waste your time on a man who can’t commit.” ~ Michaela Boehm There are two types of people we need to be very wary of when it comes to dating. The ones who can’t commit. And… The ones we easily fall for because we’re in love with their potential more than their current reality. Like many women I know, I’ve learned these lessons the hard way. And so has today’s special guest, world-renowned Intimacy & Sexuality Expert, Michaela Boehm
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Deeper Dating advice from bestselling author & psychotherapist, Ken Page.

Longing for love is not weakness. It’s wisdom. Numbing our loneliness is a path to despair that plagues our entire culture. We are not meant to be alone and self-sufficient. Without lives filled with love, we wither inside. Intimacy is oxygen. We don’t need to transcend our hunger for love – we need to honour it. ~ an excerpt from Deeper Dating by Ken Page. If I had to recommend only ONE book on the topic of dating it would…
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Dating stories and advice from Acupuncturist & Holistic Coach, Keri Krieger.

Have you ever dated a younger man? Or someone who already has children? Or are you a woman wondering if motherhood is on the cards for you and feel nothing but pressure when asked on a date, “Do you want kids?”. If so, then you’re going to love today’s special guest. Her name is Keri Krieger and she’s an Australian based acupuncturist and holistic coach helping guide women from all over the world on an embodied path from breakdown to…
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Dating stories and advice from Women’s Coach, Lisa Schrader.

“It’s never love that hurts us. It’s the absence of love that creates our suffering.” ~ Lisa Schrader. If you’re navigating the dating world as a newly divorced woman, or as a single mum, or as a woman whose sexuality is awakening then this episode is for you. Today I’m speaking with workshop leader, author, speaker and certified coach, Lisa Schrader. She’s the founder of Awakening Shakti, creator of SheSource Podcast, and a faculty member of the Shift Network
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Dating advice from Open Relationship Expert, Ev’Yan Whitney.

It’s one thing to be exploring the dating world as a single woman, but it’s an entirely different thing to be exploring the dating world as a married woman…and that’s exactly what we’ll be discussing today. Personally, I have very limited experience in this domain. So limited, that this option never made it past the discussion phase with my then husband {we’re going back over 10 years ago now}. Meanwhile, today’s guest has been navigating non-mongaomy for the past 8…
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