How to know if you or your partner are turned on by Kink w/ Miss Jaiya

Are you ready {or at least curious} to explore the world of Kink – a world full of possibilities, creativity, expansion, freedom, healing, pleasure, and deep deep intimacy? I hope so because for the next two months that’s exactly where I’ll be taking you for Season 6 here on the LOVE SEX DESIRE Podcast. When it comes to KINK, there’s very little education out there about this world which means many of us are stuck believing all the BS misconceptions…
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Thank you + congratulations beauty! Check your inbox for an email from me confirming your registration to my Sacred Dance Online Course, along with exact details on what you need to do next. It’s super-duper important you receive this email so if you feel like it’s taking too long, don’t stress. Check your spam folder, and if it isn’t there, then contact me for assistance at [email protected]. Until then, mark your calendars. Class officially begins on Monday October 8. Big…
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Dating advice from Human Connection Specialist, Mark Groves.

Never make your relationship a prison. If you make it a prison, you never really have your partner.” ~ Mark Groves Mark Groves is a human connection specialist obsessed with psychology, science and uncovering the mysteries of what makes great relationships work. According to his discoveries, he’s certain there are no “secrets” when it comes to great relationships. Rather, he believes that all relationships are by design and we’re all the architects of what we want. {I couldn’t agree
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