Justice Schanfarber on shadow integration through kinky sex.

“Sex, in general, is such a potent area for doing shadow work because, potentially for many of us, it’s so loaded with shame, fear, frustration, desire, hope.” ~ Justice Schanfarber One of the first things I’m usually asked when it comes to LOVE SEX DESIRE is, “Do you have any books on [insert specific subject] you can recommend for me?”. I think reading books is a great starting place when wanting to dig deeper into the area’s you’re most curious…
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Ian Ferguson on becoming a new man through owning his Kinky Blueprint.

Many people love to diss the whole Fifty Shades of Grey phenomena but the truth is, it was the catalyst that turned many couples sex life around…and if you ask me, that’s a great thing! One of those couples is Jaiya and Ian. We heard from Jaiya, award-winning somatic sexologist, best selling author and founder of the Erotic Blueprints, last week. Today we’re going to hear from her partner of 11 years, Ian Ferguson. Now Ian doesn’t consider himself…
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