Hot Women to Watch: Belinda Davidson, medical intuitive and white light goddess.


{Hot Women to Watch is a monthly feature putting the spotlight on one beautiful soul who’s work I’m appreciating and cheering for} 

This month, it’s all about Belinda Davidson, an Australian Medical Intuitive, creator of School of the Modern Mystic & advocate of the White Light which aids physical healing, energy renewal, unlocking creative potential & intuitive abilities. (You may recall the sneak peek of our video interview I did with Belinda for Selfish for 27 days back in September 2012.  You can see it here).

Belinda first came on my radar during a phase in my life where I was looking for some deep energetic healing.  I had never worked with a medical intuitive but knew I really wanted to after my curiousity for this work hit an all time high after devouring Carolyn Myss’ book “Anatomy of the Spirit”.

Sure enough, Belinda helped me heal a karmic-crazy relationship, let go of a business partnership before it officially began and reminded me of my life purpose.

That was nine months ago.

From the bottom of my heart and the core of my soul, Belinda is the real deal.  She’s genuine, trusting, honest and a woman of high integrity.

Introducing Belinda Davidson…


{Lets go deep and meaningful}

From breakdown to breakthrough, what was this moment for you?  The defining moment that changed e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.
In 2007, exhausted from working too much as a medical intuitive, and trying to help people heal, I have a mini nervous breakdown. I slept for almost an entire month, and wanted to quit my profession.

I was handed a copy of The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle, and my intuition told me to stop everything, cancel all my session and sit and meditate.  I thought I knew how to meditate, but really I didn’t. I had been doing beginner stuff and now it was time to do the advanced module.

I sat on my seat in my office and perched like a bird for hours, practicing mindfulness. I observed myself and my surroundings, and it was really challenging.  I had never been so still and quite before and at times I found the experience so intense that I wanted to jump up off my seat and run away screaming. But I stayed put and perched because I knew I needed to change my life.

This went on for about 10 days. Reading Tolle, perching, breathing, (freaking out!!) and suddenly I had an experience. I experienced myself watching myself, it was like being out of my body, and I saw that I was made up of a light and dark self. I saw that for many years I had desperately tried to understand the dark part of me, in an attempt to dig my way through the dark tunnel to get to the light in me.  I, like many people, was convinced that if I just keep digging further into the dark, keep trying to psyco-analyse myself and my shadow that I could one day, finally, dig that hole through to the light. In this spontaneous experience, I saw that I didn’t need to dig in the dark to find the light, I just had to align myself with it.

The next day the White Light came to me for the first time and started to heal me. That was the beginning of a TOTALLY different life………..

 What has been the most challenging thing to let go of so you could put your Self first (the truest part of you)?
Needing to know how things will turn out. Needling to control, and feel like I need to be productive and ‘get things done.’  I’m a very practical, ‘roll up my sleves’ and get things done type of girl. I really needed to learn to surrender, and let go and let god.

How has mamahood impacted your life?
How hasn’t it? LOL. I could write a novel about that question but in keeping it short, it has taught me compassion and how to put another person first.  Putting another person first has allowed me to also put the White Light first and be a more effective vessel for it’s wonders. I can now get myself and my agenda more out of the way and show up the way the White Light asks of me.

What’s some of the best advice you’ve ever received (about business, life or love) that you’re still living today?
Before I had Sarah, my daughter, she said to me, “Belinda, when you become a Mum, you learn that strength means knowing your boundaries and weaknesses, and respected them. Strength is reaching out and allowing others to help out.”

This was priceless advice because I started Motherhood knowing I couldn’t do it all and not expecting that. Most women get trapped in the ‘supermum’ complexion, which is harmful to both mothers as well as their children.  I freely share Sarah with all of my family…. I’m sure that is why she is so balanced and fun. (and cheeky!)

What books are you always telling people to read?
The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle. I’m his greatest fan. Also, The Happiness Trap, by Russ Harris. Both books are about the power of the present moment and how practicing mindfulness will completely revolutionise your life.

When do you most feel like a Goddess?
When I’m sending White Light out to thousands of people all around the world.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear: MYSTIC?
Our destiny.

{Now for the short and sweet}

I’m interested in…love

I believe…the power of love (White Light is love)

In my experience…being present is the key to a magical life

2013…rapid and exciting global change.


Find Belinda here

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